window tint not sticking on edges

Window Tint Not Sticking On Edges [Solved]

Installing window tints requires precise techniques and tools along with a set of skills. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired results. Most people experience that window tints do not stick properly on the edges. This discussion aims to find out the causes behind this issue. No more worries; you will be able to overcome this problem with the help of the instructions mentioned below. 

Why is Window Tint Not Sticking On the Edges? 

Window tint might not be sticking on edges for various causes. The reasons range from surface preparation to environmental factors, and each one is crucial for ensuring a long-lasting and effective tint application.

  • Inadequate Cleaning – We can’t stress enough how important it is to clean the window surface properly before applying the tint. Any leftover dirt, grease, or even finger oils can create a barrier between the tint and the glass, preventing a secure bond. It’s like trying to paint over a dusty wall – the result will not be pleasurable! 
  • Drying Matters – Just as important is ensuring the window is completely dry. We’ve noticed that moisture trapped under the tint during application often leads to peeling or bubbling later on. Think of it like applying a band-aid on wet skin; it just won’t stick properly.
  • Edge Contamination – The black dots or “frit” on some car windows can be tricky. The reason why, their surface composition is different when compared to the rest of the glass, so it can hinder adhesive adhesion. 
  • Extra Film – When cutting the film, leaving enough extra material at the edges is vital. It gives you that necessary space for proper adhesion and reduces the risk of peeling.
  • Consistent Pressure – Applying consistent pressure with the squeegee, especially near the edges, is essential. We’ve found that uneven pressure can leave air pockets, which eventually cause the film to lift. It’s akin to smoothing out wallpaper; if you don’t do it evenly, you’ll get bubbles.
  • Low-Quality Tint or Adhesive: If the window tint or the adhesive used is of low quality, it may not stick well. Cheaper tints often have weaker adhesives that don’t bond well with the glass. 
  • Heat Shrinking – Depending on the film type, proper heat shrinking can make a big difference. This step tightens the film, especially at the edges. Skipping this or doing it incorrectly will result in wrinkles on the tint. 
  • Timing – We recommend waiting a suitable amount of time before rolling down the windows or exposing the film to extreme temperatures. The reason why, it can disrupt the adhesive curing process, much like walking on a freshly mopped floor before it dries.
  • Direct Sunlight – While sunlight is necessary for the curing process, excessive exposure right after tinting can be detrimental. It can cause the film to expand and pull on the edges, compromising adhesion. 

Why is Window Tint Not Sticking On the Edges? 

How to Fix: Window Tint Not Sticking on Edges

If your window tint does not stick, especially on the edges, there are some workarounds you can try. Based on our experience, we have listed some practical solutions, though it’s crucial to first identify the cause and consult a professional if needed. Here’s how to tackle this issue. 

Method 1: Reapplying with Heat

Gently Lift and Heat the Edge – First, carefully lift the loose edge, but don’t detach it completely. Using a heat gun on a low setting, gently warm the adhesive and the surrounding glass area. This will reactivate the adhesive without damaging the tint.

Firmly Press and Set – Then, use a soft squeegee or a microfiber cloth to press the edge back down, ensuring there are no air bubbles trapped. You should hold this pressure for several seconds to allow the adhesive to cool and set. 

Method 2: Using an Edge Sealer

Apply Edge Sealer- Purchase a high-quality window tint edge sealer. Apply a thin line of the sealer along the edge, following the product instructions carefully. We recommend this for a more permanent solution, especially for edges that repeatedly lift.

Let it Dry – Allow the sealer to dry completely as per the product’s specifications. 

Method 3: Considering Replacement

When to Replace – If you’re facing extensive peeling or if the tint is poorly adhered, replacing it might be your best bet. 

Careful Removal and Reapplication – Remove the existing tint carefully to avoid damaging the window. Then, follow the proper preparation and installation steps.

Important Tips for a Successful Fix

  • Avoid Old or Damaged Tint: If the tint is old or visibly damaged, replacing it is often safer and more effective. Be wise to choose a strong adhesive. 
  • Gentle Tools Only: Harsh chemicals or abrasive tools can do more harm than good. Thus, stick to gentle, tint-safe products.
  • Create the Right Environment: Work in a clean, well-lit area to ensure you can see and address every detail.
  • Patience and Precision: Proper adhesion takes time. Be meticulous and patient for the best results.

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